
Lycoming-Clinton Joinder Board director: Some federal grant funds on hold

Some federal System of Care grant funds have been put on hold, according to Keith Wagner, executive director of the Lycoming-Clinton Joinder Board.

“We have received notice that the System of Care grant funds which are coming from SAMHSA (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration), which is at the federal government, are on hold at this point until they get further direction, federally, whether that funding can be released,” Wagner told members of the Joinder’s executive committee at their meeting this week.

“The administrators met on Friday with the state to find out if the state had any other news or anything, and at this point, they don’t know any more than we know. They are encouraging everyone to not panic and if we notice that something isn’t coming that we expected, to make sure that we’re making them aware of it,” he said.

The System of Care grant is about $300,000, Wagner said, and is used for staffing costs for the initiative which brings together entities such as the schools, courts and families to identify gaps in the system to ensure a better outcome for children and youth.

Currently the cost is being covered by the mental health budget, but Wagner cautioned that can’t go on indefinitely.

In other business, the board approved three 2024-25 agreements. They are: and amendment for professional legal services with McNerney, Page, Vanderlin & Hall at an increased rate of $135 per hour for paralegal and $195 per hour for attorney fees; a renewal agreement with West Branch Drug and Alcohol Abuse Commission for CIT (Crisis Intervention Team) training and coordination at a cost of $22,001, an increase of $2,001 over last year; and a new agreement for a parking lease with Horizon Federal Credit Union for 110 spots on Market Street for Joinder employees and guests at a cost of $3,850.

A renewal agreement with West Branch for CIT training and coordination was retroactively approved for the last fiscal year at a cost of $20,800.

Under mental health services, a 2024-25, an amendment to an agreement with Skills of Central Pennsylvania Inc., for mental health psychiatric services was approved at a cost of $60,000 which reflects an increase of $20,000.

Wagner updated the board on the status of the grant for the regional crisis stabilization and walk-in behavioral health facility which the Joinder seeks to locate in Lock Haven. The grant is for a minimum of $3 million.

“We have yet to receive the official letter from the state although Commissioner Snyder did speak with someone from the state office who said that the letters are on their way,” Wagner said.

Wagner indicated that they have a potential site available and that they are speaking with counties which have created these centers so that they “can learn from them about things that worked wll, potential pitfalls and talk with them about what they’re doing for sustainability beyond the grant.”

“We’re making some progress toward developing an RFP (Request for Proposal) so that we can get a provider on board,” Wagner said.

They have also been speaking with surrounding counties because of the regional nature of the facility.

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