

Reflections in Nature: Autumn is now here upon us

Fog and katydids have arrived, and officially, our autumn season has begun. Everyone has their favorite month, however, I suspect that many of us would not say September is their favorite. September, with its warm days and cool nights, has a lot to offer such as harvest suppers and the last ...

Being a birder is a fun hobby for many people to get involved with

Though I didn’t always think so, it doesn’t take much to be a birder. We come in all shapes and sizes. The 8-year-old who lives next door to me is a birder just like the 78-year-old Lycoming Auduboner who lives in the next block. Their knowledge and skill levels might be vastly different, ...

Reflections in Nature: Many of nature’s berries will be ripening soon

Several years ago, when Mary Alice had a very bad cold, with a croupy cough, a friend gave her a homemade cough medicine that was made from elderberries. Many of nature’s berries will be ripening during September, and one is the elderberry. The fruit of an elderberry bush has a bitter ...

Reflections in Nature: The cabbage butterfly feeds on cabbage plants

I’ve been doing a lot of front porch sitting lately. It seems I have run into a heart problem and awaiting open heart surgery. Of course, while sitting on the front porch I have been watching our local wildlife. The little white butterflies with black markings on their wings that have been ...

Book about fracking in Williamsport to be discussed at club

The Middle Susquehanna Riverkeeper Association's next Nature Book Club meeting is scheduled for Monday, Sept. 26, at 7 p.m. at the organization’s office at 112 Market St. in Sunbury. The book featured is “Up to Heaven and Down to Hell” by Colin Jerolmack. The New York University ...