Jersey Shore man to face trial on sex-related crimes, remain behind bars, judge rules

A Jersey Shore man will remain behind bars as he awaits trial on several sex-related crimes, District Judge Christian Frey ruled Friday afternoon.
The charges stem from an incident last year during which Colin James Best, 39, of 664 Geiler Hollow Road, Jersey Shore, allegedly attempted to remove a minor female’s pants as she slept after supplying her and another youth with alcohol and marijuana.
Testimony as to Best giving the minors access to the drugs and encouraging them to partake in them was a deciding factor in Frey bounding over a count of unlawful contact with a minor
“The hearing testimony made clear that this encouragement to drink alcohol and smoke marijuana was for the purpose of engaging in one of the prohibited activities set forth in the statute,” the judge’s ruling said.
He also ruled that prosecutors had met their burden of proof in relation to both the furnishing and corruption charges.
Following his arrest on those initial charges, Best’s phone was seized and a search warrant issued for its contents.
Several videos and still images, “voyeuristic in nature,” were discovered on the device, the judge’s ruling said.
The videos and photos depict “minors in various states of undress, sometimes when they were asleep,” Frey wrote.
Though the defense argued that none of the videos or photos displayed the minors in any sexual acts, Frey found that the mere taking of the images was enough to hold over several sex offenses.
“Contrary to the strict interpretation of the statute language, a ‘sexual act’ is not necessary,” the judge said.
“All the commonwealth must prove in a situation where a defendant is found in possession of nude images of children not engaged in any other prohibited sexual acts… is that the nudity in the images is depicted for sexual stimulation or gratification,” Frey wrote in his opinion, citing case law.
In all, Best was ordered to stand trial on nine counts of child pornography, six counts of invasion of privacy, six counts of criminal use of a communication facility, four counts of corruption of a minor, four counts of furnishing alcohol to minors and one count each of photograph/film/depict on computer sex act of a child, unlawful contact with a minor, indecent assault of a unconscious person and endangering the welfare of children.
He was committed to the Lycoming County Prison without bail in December, with Frey finding that there were no conditions that could reasonably assure the safety of the community.
A motion to modify the bail ruling was rejected by Frey.