
Lifestyle News

Book review at library to examine Christiana riot

Friends of the JV Brown Library will present a book review with Dr. Keith Shenberger from 12:15 to 12:45 p.m., Feb. 7 in the Lowry Room on the third floor of the library’s Welch Family Wing. Shenberger will review Bloody Dawn —the Christiana Riot and Racial Violence in the Antebellum ...

Crowds brave cold for good cause at Mill Hall restaurant

Frigid temperatures couldn’t keep a multitude of community members from coming out to show support for a local organization. The 2nd Annual Freezin’ for a Reason, hosted by Precise for Paws, INc., was held on Saturday, Jan. 18 at Haywoods on the Green in Bald Eagle Township. Several people, ...

‘Chili and Chowder’ taste-off coming in February

There will be 15 different types of chili or chowder to taste at 15 sites in downtown Wellsboro and an opportunity to win a basket of chocolate at each of the 15 locations during the “Chili and Chowder With A Chance For Chocolate Taste-Off,” from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m., Feb. 8. In addition, ...

Trivia fundraiser planned

Jon Mackey (or his associate), who regularly poses questions to patrons of local eateries, will challenge the trivia knowledge of those who attend Quizzo at the Taber at 6 p.m., Feb. 8. The questions will be drawn from a broad range of categories including geography, sports, movies and music. ...

Church hosts Valentine luncheon for area widows

The Lycoming Valley Baptist Church Widows Ministry invites area widows to its third annual Valentine Luncheon, “a heartfelt event designed to provide encouragement, connection, and hope,” a news release said. The luncheon will occur from noon to 2 p.m., Feb. 8, at Lycoming Valley Baptist ...

Music Club to feature sacred songs

The Williamsport Sacred Music Program will be held at 7 p.m., Jan. 28 at the Pine Street United Methodist Church, 441 Pine St. “The Williamsport Sacred Music Program that is held annually in January is well-received by both the public and the membership,” a news release said. “Everyone ...