
Lifestyle News

Check It Out: City library joins digital book club

The James V. Brown Library, 19 E. Fourth St., joins nearly 16,000 public libraries and tens of thousands of readers across the United States in offering the latest Together We Read: US digital book club selection. From Feb. 10 to 24, Brown Library patrons can enjoy author Kate Clayborn’s ...

Theatre ensemble to offer online game

Bloomsburg Theatre Ensemble will host a free online game in celebration of love and Saint Valentine’s Day at 3 p.m. Sunday. “We devised the game as a way to let our audience and fans know that we miss them dearly and are looking forward to the day we can perform for them in person,” ...

Lycoming County women: 3 sisters excelled in business a century ago

A hundred years ago, the business community was dominated by men, and most of the female leaders in the community were the wives of prominent men. But three sisters, Nellie, Jennie, and Fannie Page, were the exception to that rule. They owned and managed the Page Furniture Company at 209-213 ...

Girl Scouts collect 550 pajama sets for foster program

BELLEFONTE — Girl Scout Troop 40036 out of Bellefonte has reached quite a milestone. The group earned their Bronze Award, the highest honor a Junior girl scout can receive. The troop earned this honor through a Pajama Drive they held in December of 2020 in Centre County. “Troop 40036 ...

Library association awards Carnegie medals to 2 authors

NEW YORK (AP) — This year’s winners of the Carnegie medals for fiction and nonfiction, presented by the American Library Association, have each checked out a few books in their time. “I work from libraries a lot, and my wallet is full of library cards,” says Rebecca Giggs, an ...