
The Taste

Pomegranate seeds add flair and tradition to a Rosh Hashanah salad

Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year, has many wonderful foods associated with it. Apples, honey, beef brisket, noodle kugel — and shining on this list are pomegranates, that one-of-a-kind beautiful, mythical, symbolic and even Biblical fruit. In the Sephardic tradition, pomegranates are ...

Boost social, emotional and physical health with egg-inspired recipes

Dine together, shine together. Weekly sit-down meals with family can reduce stress, boost self-esteem and make everyone feel more connected - all while sharing delicious, healthy and easy-to-prepare food. Give your family the opportunity to refuel and reconnect each week with recipes that ...

Bring rich, warm complexity to lentils with Ethiopian spices

Lentils may not have the most exciting reputation, but when cooked well and seasoned properly, they can be transformed into a comforting and rich supper in just half an hour. In this recipe from our cookbook “ Milk Street 365: The All-Purpose Cookbook for Every Day of the Year,” we take ...

Try a grownup twist on a childhood favorite with baked broccoli mac

When you’re looking for recipe inspiration, don’t be afraid to take things back to your childhood with a little home cooking. Even better, now you can enjoy those kid favorites as the main course (with an adult touch, to boot) in this Baked Broccoli Mac. Baked Broccoli Mac Servings: ...

Quick, delicious breakfasts to start your day with a bang

If you’re looking for a little motivation to take on a busy day or fueling up for an adventurous weekend with the family, there’s no better way to start the morning than with a filling breakfast. However, not everyone takes full advantage of this ever-important opportunity to prepare for ...

A comforting crumble for the end of summer

August brings the beginning of a new school year and the approaching end of summer in the sun. Don’t let hectic schedules and summer’s fade get you down; this warm Apple Crumble is perfect to put a smile back on your loved ones’ faces. Visit Culinary.net for more comforting treats all ...