
Miscellaneous for Sale


Snow thrower: 24″ Craftsman, 2 stage, 4 cycle, electric start, 8 speed, good shape. $375. 570-368-2333


Keystone Tarp Co.

Sales & Service.

Also Tarps For Sale.


Very Nice Oak Kitchen

approx. 15 ft. of cabinets, countertops, sink, faucet, stove, refrigerator, dishwasher, space saver microwave – $5,000 OBO


222 Savage model 340B with scope – $300


Anthony M. Lorson

Oak Fire Wood: cut & split, seasoned, ready

to burn. Polewood is

green dead mix. 570-398-2304

For Sale – Seasoned,

cut, split oak firewood

$160 Cord $90 Half Cord 570-749-6378


Seasoned Oak Firewood

2 years. Also outdoor

furnace wood volume discount.


Are you a farmer or land owner that has a deer problem?

I have a group of 5 adults and 3 youth hunters that would be happy to meet with you. Our adult hunters (mentors) have over 100 years of hunting experience between them.

We are mainly looking to hunt the archery season, but would consider other seasons if the land owner wishes. We are looking for an opportunity to help farmers and allow our hunters to fill their deer tags this fall. We would not be opposed to a doe only arrangement, if that is what the owner wishes.

Please contact Anthony Segraves at 570-772-3711 if you are interested.