

PT competes for $25,000 to advance fall-prevention device


LOCK HAVEN — Every 11 seconds, an elderly person visits the emergency room due to a fall, and every 19 minutes, an older adult dies from fall-related injuries, according to the CDC’s National Center for Injury Prevention and Control. Local licensed physical therapist Karen Johnson ...

Leaders: State police hamstrung by hiring difficulties, trooper cap

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(The Center Square) — Ongoing political tension means law enforcement agencies across the nation still face hiring challenges. During their budget hearings in the General Assembly on Wednesday, representatives of the Pennsylvania State Police said they are having the same recruitment ...

Lawmaker: Electrical grid facing future shortage of energy

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Pennsylvania has the most diverse energy portfolio in the country, but it is losing its thermal generation of electricity capacity as some of those power plants have gone offline or closed over the years. That’s a significant concern expressed this week by state Sen. Gene Yaw, R-Loyalsock ...

Public speaks out on Montgomery football coach’s exit

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The room was filled with parents and student athletes looking to have their voices heard on the decision not to renew the contract of varsity head football coach Cory Tice, during the Montgomery Area School District’s February board meeting Tuesday night. Board President Paul Stryker ...