

Music from the heart: Adults with diverse abilities form choir

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When a local church opened the door of opportunity, a group of about 21 adults with diverse abilities moved through that door and formed a choir – a celebration of who they are and what they love to do – music from the heart. “A lot of them like to sing and dance,” said Diana ...

New president and CEO takes leadership of STEP


The STEP board of directors recently announced Rachelle A. Abbott as the new president and CEO of Lycoming-Clinton Counties Commission for Community Action (STEP) Inc. “Following an extensive search by the STEP board of directors, the board appointed Abbott, who has served the agency in ...

Study outlines options for still-condemned Williamsport City Hall

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A preliminary report by BKV (Group) Architects showed a refurbished Williamsport City Hall at 245 W. Fourth St. could be designed and constructed for about $28 million. The figures discussed publicly just three years ago were a remodeling for $5 million to $8 million. To refurbish a building ...