Loyalsock Township School Board hears business club’s presentation
The Loyalsock Township School Board passed several items at their monthly meeting Wednesday night.
At the opening of the meeting, high and middle school business education teacher Michelle Carpenter spoke to the board about the FBLA club.
“We’ve been working with our FBLA kids for many years now. We’ve been very successful the last several years in moving kids through regional and state competitions,” Superintendent Gerald McLaughlin said.
“In 2013, when I was hired, we reactivated our chapter, and back then, we had 24 members. This year, we have our highest numbers yet at 84 students in our FBLA club, Carpenter said, thanking McLaughlin, administrators and the board for their constant support.
“Our club is also the biggest in the region, which spans from North Penn Mansfield all the way down to Southern Columbia, so it’s something that we’re very proud of,” she said.
Lucy Tripp, Kendall Cohick, and Jenine Ghayyada, who placed second in graphic design at this year’s regional competition in January, then presented their showing to the board.
Agreements approved by the board, including: a memorandum of understanding with the Williamsport Area School District to continue to provide career and technical programming to senior high students on an as-needed basis; and a memorandum of understanding with state police, effective July 1, 2025 to June 30, 2027.
Summer school and remediation programs for the summer, as well as the summer school breakfast/lunch program for 2025 were given the green light by the board. The programs will be staffed by current or contracted employees.
In staffing issues, the board approved Felicia Aumen as a substitute food service employee, at an hourly rate of $15.00; and a variety of spring athletic personnel at various stipends.
The retirements of Kymberly Dunlap as elementary teacher, effective June 6, 2025; and Jean Roush, as paraprofessional, effective June 6, 2025 were acknowledged by the board.
“We certainly appreciate these folks for their time and talents and dedication to the Loyalsock Township School District,” McLaughlin said.
In financial matters, the board approved the purchase of lockers for the athletic field house from CM Eichenlaub, Co., Pittsburgh, in the amount of $117,829.00. 56 home lockers and 52 visitor lockers, all with lifetime warranties are included in the purchase, and will be paid for by remaining bond proceeds left over from the building project that was completed last year; and the replacement of the secondary campus digital display from WJ Strickler Signs, Inc., New Oxford, in the amount of $27,560.00. Funds for this project will come from the Capital Projects Fund.
The new sign will be installed in place of the current sign, and will be full color, full motion weatherproof, and can be connected to through cell phone or computer, Business Manager and Board Secretary Dan Egley said.
During public comments, resident Charles Luppert addressed the board in reference to the hiring of Dr. Brooke Beiter as assistant superintendent and eventual replacement for McLaughlin.
Luppert asked if McLaughlin was in attendance at the meetings at which discussion of the position took place, to which board President Hal Gee answered in the affirmative.
Luppert also requested the job description of the assistant position and minutes from the meeting at which the position and appointment were approved.
“The newspaper did quite an article on Mr. Wentzel’s opposition,” Luppert said, referencing the Sun-Gazette’s coverage of board member Melvin Wentzel’s statement on the matter.
Luppert expressed interest in a detailed account of conversations surrounding the vote, before offering comment on the action.
“In my life, I’ve served in the municipal offices. I’m representing the citizens in the community,” he began, stressing his appreciation for the hard work and sacrifices of those on the board.
“You represent two people, the citizens and students,” Luppert continued.
“I’m having trouble comprehending how funding approximately about a 30 month on job training for the assistant superintendent, benefits either one of those parties,” he told the board.
“I’m not going to ask for an answer now, but I just ask that you consider that,” Luppert said.
During a report from the recreation committee, board member Robert Leidhecker announced plans to pursue the construction of a performance venue at Short Park.
“Our students use the park frequently throughout the school year, and, I can tell you from past experience how many times I was over in that park playing out in the grass with the kids and there’s no shelter, no stage,” Leidhecker said, adding that proposed structure would be akin to an open air band shell.
As with past projects, the committee is looking for district participation.
Recreation Director Shannon Lukowski will be filing for several grants to cover at least part of the project’s expected $110,000 price tag.
Historically, any costs not covered by the grants are split evenly between the district and the township, Leidhecker said, but are not expected to exceed $30,000 of district funds.
The township would be responsible for the installation and prep work at the site, with township workers doing the work in order to keep costs down.
There is also the possibility of additional funds being raised through community sponsorships due to other groups possibly utilizing the area.
“We had some Loyalsock students do very well in the USA skills competition,” Gee said during a discussion on the Lyco CTC.
“Five or six placed, and I think three top finishes that’ll be moving on to the state competition in Hershey,” he said.
“That’s awesome news, how our students are performing compared to the other schools sending down to CTC. So we’re extremely proud of those guys,” Gee said.
The next board meeting will be held at 7 p.m. on March 5, 2025.