White House needs to keep energy level up
The energy behind the Trump administration, within its staff and among average supporters, is incredible and needs to continue in order to secure the goals of the administration.
I took a few days off work to head up to Washington, DC for the inauguration solely because I did not want to miss out on what I think is probably going to go down as one of the most critical presidential administrations in modern history, if not the most. The energy was really unbelievable; I’ve been to DC plenty of times, including major conservative conventions, and have never seen it so full of grinning Republican voters, all there for Trump. Red hats were absolutely everywhere, and at all the major intersections near the Capitol vendors were selling (most certainly bootleg) Trump gear.
Celebrations continued well into the next day, and with every executive order Trump signed, there was a new flurry of excitement over the vision that Trump immediately began to lay out on paper. Refrains of “we are so back” echoed around online conservative spaces. It has been so fast; it seems the president’s enemies in the mainstream media hardly know how to report on it all. They have not yet had the time, so thus far their protests have been comparatively meek and unfocused.
Trump’s blitzkrieg tactic might lack staying power. Many of these orders are going to be litigated and will need the backing of successes in court and action in Congress to make them permanent. But it is serving the purpose of overwhelming the swamp bureaucrats and hostile media. It also has kept us all excited and optimistic.
Eventually, though, the media and swamp will catch up and get some breathing room. That’s when demoralization campaigns will begin, no doubt focusing on immigration reform and any real deep cuts to government spending.
The left and squishy Republicans will work overtime to try to weaponize your empathy as well as your faith and willingness to reconcile to stop any real reform from happening. They will be desperate to return to the status quo, where things are easy and the press isn’t quite so mean. There will be pictures of sad illegal immigrants being deported, and if any accident happens like what happened in Palestine, Ohio, under the Biden administration, the usual suspects will be quick to try to use it to scare Republicans into backing down from stripping excessive and onerous environmental regulations.
If Republicans plant their feet on what we know needs to be done, and fight the inevitable media lies and exaggerations, they will secure a lasting change for this country, and Trump’s “golden age for America” will be realized. Enemies of that goal are counting on us to shy away and falter.
RINOs and Republicans with brittle gumption are going to need to get out of the way or find their courage against these attacks. It has been said before by people much smarter than me, but people who support Trump’s agenda must not apologize. Leftists do not see apologies the way you and I do – to them, an apology is an admission of guilt that they can weaponize against you and use as leverage to get you to give up whatever goal it is you are pursuing. It happened in Trump’s last term, when people were not actively sabotaging his agenda.
The rest of us can play a role too, encouraging our representatives to hold the course, not just by flooding their mentions when they do something wrong, but by also giving them praise when they do what they were elected to do.
In short, I guess what I am saying is it truly is vital to the future of the republic that we do not get tired of winning.
Linnea Lueken is a research fellow with the Arthur B. Robinson Center on Climate and Environmental Policy at The Heartland Institute.