PennDOT announces Lycoming County Paint the Plow winner

The Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT) is pleased to announce the Lycoming County winner of the Paint the Plow safety outreach contest.
Paint the Plow is a statewide outreach aimed at promoting winter driving safety and fostering appreciation for high school art programs and student creativity. The PennDOT District 3 program challenges youth to create an original rendering based on a provided theme that, if chosen as an area winner, will be painted on a PennDOT snowplow blade.
Montgomery Junior/Senior High School won the Lycoming County contest, which was determined by a panel of judges. The plow depicts a family of polar bears traveling through snow and ice, with one cub sliding on the slippery surface to convey this year’s theme “Use your reason when it’s freezin’ on one side of the V plow. The other side depicts the school’s mascot.
The painted plow will be on display year-round at PennDOT’s Lycoming County Maintenance Office, located at 715 Jordan Avenue, Montoursville, PA.
Additionally, PennDOT is reminding motorists to give plow trucks on the road plenty of space, staying at least six car lengths behind. There may be blind spots where it is difficult for the plow operator to see the smaller vehicle. Never try to pass or get between several trucks plowing side by side in a “plow train,” and keep your lights on to help the operator better see your vehicle.