FCFP awards over $809,000 in field of interest grants to regional nonprofits

The First Community Foundation Partnership of Pennsylvania (FCFP) is pleased to announce the approval of $809,841 in field of interest grants for 2024. These grants will support nonprofit organizations serving residents across north central Pennsylvania.
Field of interest funds are established by generous donors to address specific areas of community need or to benefit local neighborhoods. Through a competitive grant application process, nonprofits submit proposals, which are reviewed and evaluated by advisory committees made up of community members.
This year, FCFP received applications from 103 organizations across eight counties, including Columbia, Lycoming, Montour, Northumberland, Potter, Snyder, Tioga, and Union. The funded projects reflect the diverse priorities of the region and the commitment of donors to make a meaningful impact in their communities.
Grants approved by the FCFP Board of Directors for 2024 include:
FCFP’s inaugural Century Fund Grant Cycle considered requests from nonprofits with initiatives that promote the arts throughout north central Pennsylvania. Grantee:
Williamsport Lycoming Arts Council, $25,000, for the Susquehanna River School of the Arts.
The Earl G. and Meda E. Stroble Fund supports programs that help the poor and homeless, and programs that help animals. Grantees:
American Rescue Workers, Inc., $6,986.67, general operating support;
Lycoming Animal Protection Society, Inc., $6,986.67, veterinarian expenses;
The Salvation Army of Williamsport, $6,986.67, food pantry.
The Fath-Greene Animal Welfare Fund supports programs that prevent cruelty to animals and/or provide support for animal welfare in the immediate vicinity of Coudersport and Potter County. Grantees:
Potter County Animal Assistance Project, $14,900, spay/neuter of cats and dogs, and emergency medical aid;
Teacher’s Pet Rescue, $14,900, general operations for caring for dogs.
The Greater Susquehanna Valley Competitive Grant Program supports requests from nonprofits that benefit the residents of Montour, Northumberland, Snyder and Union Counties. Grantees:
A&B Children’s Theatre, $5,000, Inclusive Nutcracker;
Camp Koala, $10,000, grief support groups for children;
Danville Area Community Center, $25,000, renovations for child care space;
Girls on the Run Mid State PA, $10,000, scholarships for participants;
Regional Engagement Center, $20,000, year-round after school drop-in program;
The Bloomsburg Salvation Army Service Center, $10,000, rent and utility emergency assistance;
Transitions of PA, $15,000, therapy for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault;
Union County Giving Closet, $5,000, children’s clothing closet.
The Little League Fund for Youth Sports supports programs and projects that promote and support youth activity and healthy living through sports in Lycoming County. Grantees:
American Youth Soccer Organization South Williamsport #578, $1,330, aluminum benches;
Firetree Place, $1,000, Vipers Competitive Cheer Squad;
Lil’ City Big Dreams, $1,000, regional competition fees;
Original League, Inc., $1,000, updated baseball equipment;
Williamsport Millionaires Youth Football and Cheer Association, $1,370, football helmets and helmet reconditioning for program launch.
The Lindig Lewisburg Foundation Fund supports programs and projects that benefit the Borough of Lewisburg, Union County. Grantees:
Christ’s Evangelical Lutheran Church, $694, continued preservation of the church archives;
Union-Snyder Community Action Agency, $4,724, home energy costs for Lewisburg homeowners in need.
The Lycoming Economic Development Foundation Fund in memory of Joseph L. Rider supports programs and projects that address economic development in Lycoming County. Grantees:
American Rescue Workers, Inc., $10,998, Fresh Start: Building Career Pathways to Economic Mobility;
Firetree Place $45,000, expansion of the community center.
The Pearls with a Passion Fund, FCFP’s women’s giving society, supports nonprofits in Columbia, Lycoming, Northumberland, Tioga and Union Counties. 2024’s grantmaking focused on mental health services and therapies. Grantees:
AGAPE Love From Above To Our Community, $5,000, Women In Need program;
Camp Koala, $10,000, grief support groups for children;
KidsPeace National Centers, Inc., $4,500, school and community engagement activities for foster care youth;
Susquehanna Valley United Way, $7,500, Behavioral/Mental Health Prevention and Intervention training;
Wellspring Community Support Services, Inc., $5,000, Wellness Recovery Action Plan facilitator trainiing.
The Plunketts Creek Township Foundation Fund supports programs and projects that benefit the residents of Barbours, Lycoming County. Grantees:
Barbours Cemetery Association, $3,000, mowing and general maintenance of the cemetery grounds;
James V. Brown Library, $4,500, enhancement to the Barbours Link Library;
St. Paul Calvary United Methodist Church, $3,000, refurbishing Camp Conley.
The Ralph and Josephine Smith Fund supports programs and projects that benefit Upper Northumberland County and the Warrior Run School District. Grantees:
Camp Koala, $3,000, grief support groups for children;
Evangelical Community Hospital, $40,000, 2024-2025 Safe to Care Initiative;
Exchange Pool, $4,040, robotic pool vacuum and pool cover;
Geisinger Health Foundation, $40,000, program support;
Girls on the Run Mid State PA, $1,687, scholarships for participants;
Montgomery House Library, Inc., $50,000, general operations;
Turbotville Community Hall Corporation, $30,151, roof replacement.
The Waldron Memorial Fund supports programs and projects that benefit the residents of Muncy, Lycoming County. Grantees:
Community Action Program, $10,000, Summer Recreation Program;
Heartland Youth Football League, $8,000, football and cheer uniforms;
Lycoming County United Way, Inc., $5,000, support of programs and operations;
Muncy Area Pool Association, $50,000, concrete work, heat system and lane lines;
Muncy Baptist Church, $5,000, support of programs and operations;
Muncy Creek Township, $40,287, Keiss Memorial Park pickleball courts;
Muncy Historical Society & Museum of History, $5,000, support of programs and operations;
Muncy Public Library, $5,000, support of programs and operations;
Muncy School District, $3,000, elementary basketball uniforms.
The Williamsport Lycoming Competitive Grant Program supports requests from nonprofits that benefit the residents of Williamsport and Lycoming County. Grantees:
American Rescue Workers, Inc., $15,000, Fresh Start Men’s Work Rehab Program;
Borough of Montgomery, $14,875, Montgomery Borough Park & Play;
Child Hunger Outreach Partners, $15,000, in-school pantry and backpack programs;
County of Lycoming, $15,000, protective equipment for Narcotics Enforcement Unit;
Girls on the Run Mid State PA, $10,405, scholarships for participants;
James V. Brown Library, $12,450, bilingual StoryWalk at Young’s Woods Park;
Lairdsville Community Volunteer Fire Company, $9,275, cordless rescue tools;
Lycoming County Library System, $11,025, StoryWalk in Trout Run Park;
Lycoming-Clinton Joinder Board, $15,000, Creating Mental Health Awareness programs;
Old Lycoming Township Volunteer Fire Company, $14,945, A.E.D.’s and Stop-the-Bleed Kits;
Pennsylvania College of Technology, $15,000, decorative arts restoration for the Community Arts Center;
Presbyterian Senior Living, $6,050, upgraded laundry for Presbyterian Home at Williamsport;
Ronald McDonald House of Danville, Inc., $5,000, Share-A-Night program;
Susquehanna Valley CASA – Voices for Children, $5,800, volunteer and community engagement portal;
The New Love Center, $15,000, food warehouse project;
Unity Collaborative Non-Profit Corporation, $14,475, Teen Mothers Milk program;
West Branch Arts Consortium, $15,000, Performing Arts Literacy Project;
Williamsport Independent Media, Inc., $15,000, radio antenna for WXPI Community Radio 97.1.