Making a difference
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AmeriCorps Seniors has partnered with Diakon Community Services in Clinton, Lycoming, Union and Snyder counties to offer the Retired and Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP). They are committed to preserving public and private lands, as well as restoring waterways for natural habitats through Environmental Stewardship.
By bringing people together to serve communities, they’re making services to others an indispensable part of the American experience. They offer individuals and organizations flexible ways to make a local impact through volunteering, becoming stations, or joining the advisory council.
Individuals 55 years and better are invited to enroll in the program, to receive mileage reimbursement (where funds are available), excess insurance coverages, and recognition.
With RSVP, you can use the skills and talents you’ve learned over the years, or develop new ones while serving in a variety of volunteer activities in your community that you’re passionate about. Volunteers are also able to serve in more than one capacity.
Local non-profit organizations are encouraged to join as a Volunteer Station. RSVP staff will assist with recruiting volunteers, provide information for volunteer management, and excess liability insurance coverage for volunteers during assignments. In addition, the RSVP volunteer pool offers valuable experience and reliability to the volunteer station.
The Advisory Council provides a structure for involvement by a variety of community members who can offer invaluable support in such areas as recruitment, fundraising, and marketing. In addition members may offer advice on program policy or services, provide valuable connections with local businesses or agencies, assist with event planning and provide advocacy.
RSVP involvement uplifts communities by bringing people together to strengthen and expand their community services and provide support one another. You’ll be joining a network of people and organizations committed to the betterment of America.
If you would like to learn more about RSVP or have an interest in being involved with Clinton County please call Mike Vail at (570) 419-5941. If you would like to know how you can get involved in Lycoming County, call Chris Barton (570) 419-7858. For Union or Snyder County call, Jenelle Longacre (570) 419-8044.