
Lifestyle News

Teens need to know about dating violence

Since its inception in 1893, the YWCA’s mission has been empowering women of all ages. That means providing resources, a safe place to rest, eat and socialize. Services provided have evolved over the last several years but the core goal to empower lives remains. Educating the community has ...

Check it Out: Library reaches readers with YouTube channel

The James V. Brown Library, 19 E. Fourth St., has a YouTube channel that features various playlists focusing on programs and activities for all ages. The channel, at https://bit.ly/3cWpnjf, has curated playlists on the following topics: • Sensory Play with Miss Megan • First Friday ...

Winter’s tree damage can be assessed

Heavy snows, wind, ice and rain. That’s winter. It’s not uncommon to see a lot of limbs down on properties after serious winter storms. Cleanup takes care of the debris, but an arborist should make a careful inspection of the trees and shrubs on their client’s property to ensure that the ...

Check it Out: James V. Brown Library has creativity kits for children

The James V. Brown Library, 19 E. Fourth St., will celebrate March as National Craft Month by highlighting creativity kits for children. National Craft Month was created by the Craft & Hobby Association in 1994 to help support those in the creative arts industries. It is a month designed ...

Theater group launches campaign dedicated in late volunteer’s name

The Stephen Worthington Memorial Theatre Technology Fund campaign will be going public on March 5, according to a news release. The “silent phase” of the campaign began in November 2020. Campaign committee co-leaders Larry Biddison and Carol Cacchione contacted individuals and corporate ...