Theatre ensemble to offer online game
Bloomsburg Theatre Ensemble will host a free online game in celebration of love and Saint Valentine’s Day at 3 p.m. Sunday.
“We devised the game as a way to let our audience and fans know that we miss them dearly and are looking forward to the day we can perform for them in person,” said Andrew Hubatsek, a longtime member of BTE, who has been leading development of the event, according to a news release.
“Anyone interested can register to play at and they’ll receive a link to the online game board,” explained Hubatsek, according to the news release. “Players will move a virtual game piece on a romantic journey, and when they land on certain squares they’ll be treated to videos of Ensemble members, BTE staff, and others reading various reflections of the many kinds and aspects of love: some serious, some funny, all in the spirit of the day.”
All those who win the game–Hubatsek says everyone who plays wins–will be able to join a live Valentine’s Day party on Zoom with Ensemble members and staff. Partygoers will be able to join with BTE to
• Share Valentines Mad Libs
• Act Out scenes from iconic Romantic Movies
• Lip synch to Famous Love Songs
• Share First Love/Broken Heart/Stupid Crush stories
• Create the imprinted Candy Heart series for 2021
Participants may win a ticket to BTE’s first online show of 2021. Opening on April Fools Day it’s a unique and mysterious online event sure to intrigue. There is no charge to play the game and join the party, but registration is required to participate. Go to
BTE suspended live in-person live production in March 2020 as the late pandemic accelerated, cancelling most of its 2019-2020 season.