Christmas and liberty
George Washington: “Of all the dispositions and habits which lead to political prosperity, religion (Christianity) and morality (Judeo-Christian ethic) are indispensable supports. In vain would that man claim the tribute of patriotism who should labor to subvert these great pillars of human happiness…. Who that is a sincere friend to it, can look with indifference upon attempts to shake the foundation of the fabric?
Christ was born in spring, unless God threw a monkey wrench into normal happenings of the seasons of life (such as when the shepherds would be having their flocks out by night and the only time of year sheep give birth); among many other proofs.
Because the celebration of Christmas has been recognized this time of year, we are able to use it for His Message to us.
Wonderful + Counselor + Mighty + God + Eternal + Father + Prince of Peace.
We are in the Advent season; what does this mean? Advent is the (4 week) period of time before we celebrate Christmas. It is the recognition of, the announcing of, the arriving King of kings to a dark, lost and dying world.
Since our faith is built on Christ, His word and His work; we are not subject to rituals, methods or exactness of actions; but, because God looks on the thoughts of our minds and intentions of our hearts; not the exactness of our actions; our fear of Him works for us.
The only thing we need to focus on is whether or not our hearts are right in His sight! All other “religions” have the fear of their salvation depending upon doing things at the right time; in the right way; with the right people; with the right things.
God knows we might not celebrate Christmas at the correct time of year…but our salvation is sure and His Advent is great news for liberty in Christ! Awaken to the Advent(ure) to the excitement, challenges and the liberty of the Christian life!
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