
Domino theory

Can’t you all connect the dots?

1) USA stops supporting an ally- Democratic Ukraine. It is over run by a ruthless dictator.

2) US Credibility falters on international stage

3) Dictatorship are emboldened elsewhere , Russia, Mideast and Asia.

4) We can no longer fund multiple conflicts abroad due to internal strife and rising debt. We turn inwards. Our fossil fuel output can only carry us do far.

5) The US dollar is devalued and replaced by Yuan and Euro as reserve currencies.

6) Our standard of living plummets.

7) China owns the century, as we slip into banana republic, awash in guns and poverty.

Careful folks. It’s happened before. Look at Britain’s handling of Czechoslovakia in the Munich Agreement of 38, except, back then, the Brits could fall back on us -The Yanks. Who do we have to fall back on? Slow or quick, it’s all laid out like dominoes, and it starts and ends in Ukraine.


Cogan Station

Submitted by Virtual Newsroom

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