We are hopeful about a plan to construct new housing in Hughesville and Wolf Township.
Shannon Rossman, director of planning and community development for Lycoming County, offered the Sun-Gazette a thorough explanation for an article in Wednesday’s edition for the proposal and the steps it ...
In 2021, the FDA approved a new insulin drug, Semglee, that was interchangeable with a brand-name insulin called Lantus. Lantus cost $292 for a 30-day supply. Drugmaker Viatris launched two versions of its drug — Semglee cost $269 and a generic version cost $99 for the same amount, according ...
“There’s no question we’re missing something,” said Dr. Marwan Fakih, a gastrointestinal oncologist at City of Hope in Duarte, Calif., while lamenting about a cancer mystery that is confounding doctors and other medical researchers.
Fakih’s comment was included in an article in the ...
Our concerns about the second Trump Administration’s executive actions on immigration are twofold: First, the White House should employ a greater focus on illegal immigration specifically and, second, executive orders violate the principles of our republic.
As we noted in our editorials ...
We appreciate both the decision by Christopher Kriner to step up as the next chief of police for Lycoming Regional Police Department and his recognition of the importance of community relations and technology in fostering the climate law enforcement needs to better police our ...
Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg has taken a lot of heat since he announced that he is pulling his company out of the fact-checking business and curtailing content moderation on its platforms. The criticism is understandable, given the uncertainty over how Meta’s new rules will handle misinformation ...