Hughesville’s Elexus Dunkleberger receives DAISY Award for students

Pennsylvania College of Technology recently bestowed a DAISY Award for Extraordinary Nursing Students on Elexus J. Dunkleberger, of Hughesville.
Dunkleberger, who completed an associate degree in nursing from the college in December, was one of 15 nominees for the award following the Fall 2024 semester. She received nominations from two fellow students and from a family member of a patient she cared for during a clinical education experience.
“Elexus came into the room and had a true patient-first mentality,” one of her nominators wrote. “She checked the medications list, the IVs, the patient comfort, and probably a slew of other things I did not catch. More importantly, it was the little things she did that stood out.”
Things, the nominator elaborated, like asking the patient if they were OK and if she could do anything further, providing updates and explaining processes, furnishing a comfortable chair and extra pillow for a family member spending the night, adjusting lights, and closing the door and curtain for privacy.
“As bedside nurses flee the field, Elexus is a perfect example of what good students and incredible nurses are,” the nominator continued. “Her approach to the medical side was clearly well-learned. I was most impressed with her personal touch, genuine care and skilled interactions, both with the patient and with her peers. In a stressful time, she was a knowledgeable and gentle hand.”
Another nominator wrote: “I have seen Elexus in multiple clinical sites, and she consistently sets an example as an exceptional health care professional. As a fellow student, Elexus has shown great leadership and teamwork by encouraging others to participate in study groups, which she organizes. She has shown great personal character by even making herself available to offer transportation to peers, and lending a hand to anyone who is in need or may be falling behind.”
Another nominator wrote about Dunkleberger’s perseverance and determination to grow as a nurse, actively participating in patient care and seeking new learning opportunities.
“She is able to provide all her care while simultaneously making sure she is not only treating the patient’s condition but she is treating the patient!” the nominator wrote. “Elexus … makes sure her patients feel the genuine concern and care she puts into her work.”
Dunkleberger has accepted a registered nurse position at Geisinger Medical Center and is continuing her education toward a Bachelor of Science in nursing from Penn College.
The DAISY Awards are a project of The DAISY Foundation, a not-for-profit organization established in memory of J. Patrick Barnes by members of his family. The care Patrick and his family received from nurses while he was ill inspired the creation of The DAISY Award for Extraordinary Nurses to recognize and thank nurses for making a profound difference in the lives of their patients and patient families.
The foundation expanded the awards program to academic institutions in order to recognize the faculty who inspire compassionate care in their students and the students who demonstrate it during their education.
Penn College presents one faculty award and two student awards each year during pre-commencement “pinning” ceremonies for graduating nursing students, held in spring and fall.
Award winners can be nominated by peers, colleagues, patients, families or alumni. Winners are selected by a committee in Penn College’s nursing program.
To learn more about Penn College’s nursing degrees — which range from an associate degree to a post-master’s certificate in nursing education — call 570-327-4525 or visit