

Corruption on steroids


Most of us worked all our lives. Paid taxes. If we made $500, maybe if we were lucky we brought home $300. Because we had to send our money to the IRS. The organization known as USAID has had unlimited, unchecked access to our tax dollars. Recently, it was discovered these are some of ...

A president and a shot in the foot

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I was talking with an old friend, a self-described “lefty,” and he was not talking about using his left hand either. He was decrying President Trump and the horrors that he believes Trump will bring upon the United States and the world. I said to him: “Don’t worry about it. Trump will ...

Progress on coroner’s office welcome news


Lycoming County’s needs, of course, shift and change over time. The expectations for what our hard-working county employees and officials need to accomplish — and the tools and resources they need to meet those expectations — change over time as well. The need for a new facility for ...

An energy mandate for Pennsylvania

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The inauguration of President Donald Trump and the start of a new Congress mark a turning point for our nation’s energy future. With a renewed focus on “energy dominance,” Pennsylvania – the nation’s second-largest natural gas producer – is at the forefront of advancing this ...

White House needs to keep energy level up

Other Commentaries

The energy behind the Trump administration, within its staff and among average supporters, is incredible and needs to continue in order to secure the goals of the administration. I took a few days off work to head up to Washington, DC for the inauguration solely because I did not want to miss ...

What other newspapers are saying: Justice’s comments incorrect


Justice Sonia Sotomayor, appearing last week at the University of Louisville’s law school, was asked about eroding confidence in the Supreme Court. “I think my court would probably gather more public support if it went a little more slowly in undoing precedent,” she said, according to the ...