

Walking with God

Institutional services The following institutional services are arranged for and reported by United Churches of Lycoming County: Sunday: County Prison, 1:45 and 3:15 p.m., Rick Douglas, Door Fellowship, Williamsport. HCR Manor Care South, 2 p.m., Pastor Gary Runtas, GAP Fellowship, ...

A rhyme in time

Effort Effort to me brings a sound of hope. That selfless step unknowingly evokes So much more than ever meets any eye. The inward path of a love made live. Our Father though He surely knows the effort you took towards hope. Many times I have sobbed, I’ve ...

Amid uproar, Southern Baptists condemn ‘alt-right’ movement

PHOENIX (AP) — Southern Baptists on Wednesday formally condemned the political movement known as the “alt-right,” in a national meeting that was thrown into turmoil after leaders initially refused to take up the issue. The denomination’s annual convention in Phoenix voted to “decry ...

Area church briefs

TODAY Strawberry festival set Garman Lutheran Church, 1761 Sulphur Run Road, Jersey Shore, will hold a strawberry festival from 9 a.m.-2 p.m. SUNDAY Mission speaker scheduled ANTES FORT/ORIOLE — Antes Fort and Oriole United Methodist churches will host Christine Caffrey Johnson, state ...


(EDITOR’S NOTE: If your church is holding Vacation Bible School this year, please submit your information in the following format via email to religion@sungazette.com) JUNE 19-23 • MUNCY — Bible Baptist Church of Huntersville, 1229 Dutchtown Road, will hold Ark Adventure VBS from ...

Faith helps recovering addicts

While Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous have religious themes or undertones, sometimes having a stronger emphasis on a higher power can help recovering addicts fight the disease of addiction. In April, Seth Fredericks, a Life in Focus Education certified instructor, started a local ...