
Area church briefs


Men’s prayer breakfast

St. Joseph the Worker Parish will hold a prayer breakfast today featuring guest speaker Anthony Gentile. The day begins with an 8:30 a.m. Mass at St. Joseph the Worker Parish, 702 W. Fourth St., followed by a breakfast at 9:30 a.m. and the speaker at 10:30 a.m. at the Fleming Center, 720 W. Fourth St. Cost is $15 for adults and $10 for youth. Call 570-323-9456 to register.


Strawberry festival set

Trinity Episcopal Church, 844 W. Fourth St., will hold a strawberry festival from 11:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m. and the Bald Eagle Art League will hold its annual art show at Way’s Garden across the street. Tours of the church also will be offered. For more information, call 570-322-0126.

Memorial service slated

MUNCY — The Rev. David Letscher, pastor of Bethany Lutheran Church in Montoursville, will be the officiant at the annual memorial service at 2 p.m. at Old Immanuel Lutheran Church, Lime Bluff Road. Letscher will examine the theme “Faith of Our Fathers.” Mary M. Paulhamus will provide music on the church’s antique pump organ and will accompany the congregation in the singing of “Immortal, Invisible, God Only Wise,” “All Glory Be to God on High” and “Faith of Our Fathers!” The steeple bell will be tolled in memory of Old Immanuel’s immediate past president, Raymond Hoover, who died last June. Founded in 1791, Old Immanuel is considered to be the mother church of Lutheranism in Lycoming County. Light refreshments will be served after the service and church tours will be available. For more information, or to follow Old Immanuel more closely, “Like” us on Facebook.


Music camp scheduled

MUNCY — First United Methodist Church, 602 S. Market St., will hold Come Spend a While on the Nile music camp from 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Monday through Thursday and 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Friday, with a special presentation Friday evening, for children in grades 1 through 8. Registration will be held at 1:30 p.m. Sunday. Cost is $25 per child or $40 per family. Call the church office for more details at 570-546-8030.

JUNE 16-17

2-day gospel crusade set

Straight-Line Outreach Ministries will host a two-day gospel crusade starting at 6 p.m. Friday and noon Saturday at Central Baptist Church, 601 Seventh Ave. The crusade is free; however a free-will offering will be taken. For more information, call 570-494-3883.


Yard sale slated

St. Lawrence Catholic Church, 800 W. Central Ave. in South Williamsport, will hold a yard sale from 8 a.m.-noon.

Strawberry festival set

Farragut Mt. Zion United Methodist Church, along Route 864 near the intersection with Route 87, will hold its annual strawberry festival from 4-7 p.m.

Starting at $2.99/week.

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