

Footsteps to Follow: Routine

Checking with the Oxford Languages dictionary: “routine — noun — A sequence of actions regularly followed...adjective — performed as a part of a regular procedure rather than for a special reason...verb — organize according to a set pattern...synonyms — custom, habit, metered, pace, ...

Footsteps to Follow: Quiet moments in nature

In the last watch, the coldest and darkest part of night before the dawn, a single bird stirs and then sings. Who selects the single bird with the loud, clear voice, and who awakens it before there is any daylight? Its song gives cheer and hope to people who have been unable to sleep. The long ...

Footsteps to Follow: Find lasting hope in the word

From Presidents, to pastors, to teachers, there is recognition of the importance of the Bible. President Abraham Lincoln wrote, “I believe the Bible is the best gift God has ever given to man. All the good from The Savior of the world is communicated to us through this Book.” President ...

Footsteps to Follow: Love God and others

Listening to our news, I have been filled with sorrow and concern: so much name calling, badgering, and bullying; too much violence, anger, and hatred. As a follower of Jesus, what am I called to do? Jesus answers that question over and over: I am to love God and to love others. That is so ...