Blaise Alexander Family Dealerships donates $150,000 to Saint John Neumann Regional Academy

The Diocese of Scranton Scholarship Foundation and the Blaise Alexander Family Dealerships recently announced its continued support of educational and religious programing at Saint John Neumann Regional Academy with donation of $150,000 from the Blaise Alexander Family Dealerships.
“The Saint John Neumann fundraising committee is extremely grateful to Blaise Alexander and of his family’s contribution and commitment to the families and students of Saint John Neumann,” expressed Paul Rooney SJNRA Fundraising Chair.
The $150,000 check was presented by Aubrey Alexander to the Most Reverend Joseph C. Bambera, Bishop of Scranton and a host of academy representatives, including two senior students.
“With this EITC donation, we are able to serve many local families who request or who deserve financial assistance or scholarships to our academy at all levels. This support sets us apart from the other schools around,” said Principal Alisia McNamee.
The Alexander scholarship funding is earmarked for Saint John Neumann Families for tuition scholarships with local students from ages PreK through grade 12 who wish to attend Saint John Neumann Regional Academy.
The academy has three locations locally. Its Pre-K campus is located in South Williamsport at St. Lawrence Catholic Church. The SJNRA Elementary Campus location houses kindergarten through fifth grade at Saint Boniface Catholic Church, and the sixth through 12th grade classes and Catholic Community Center exist at the high school campus at 901 Penn St., Williamsport.
“At Saint John Neumann, we offer competitive courses. We offer Advance Placement (AP) courses, dual enrollment with multiple local colleges and universities, and unique learning opportunities via online course work for our students,” said Dr. Chad Greevy, curriculum director. “Additionally, we keep our class numbers smaller than any other school in the multi-county region to provide better one-on-one attention for our students. This individualized learning philosophy is one more way that sets us apart from those bigger guys around us.”