East Lycoming School Board hires teachers, sets tax collector rates
East Lycoming School District has hired and repositioned several teachers and support staff.
In what was termed a secondary chemistry teacher transfer, Clinton Swartz was approved to transfer from an 8th grade science teacher to a senior high chemistry teacher at the high school.
Robert Reichold was approved as a long-term substitute teacher for 8th grade science at a cost of $175 per day with optional benefits that were retroactive effective Jan. 14.
Cole Lesher was approved as head boys varsity soccer coach. Lesher will be paid $3,345.
Nathaniel Ziminski was hired as full-time general maintenance worker in the district.
Debra Boyer was hired as a part-time food service worker at the high school.
Crystal Derr was hired as a part-time food service worker (floater) in the district.
Rhonda Barker was approved as a part-time custodian at Ashkar Elementary School.
The following were hired as daily substitute teacher/support staff/guest teacher:
Melinda Hunt (BLaST guest teacher).
Jacob Corson (guest teacher) retro-active to Dec. 18, 2024.
Rachel Bitler (guest teacher) retro-active to Dec. 20, 2024.
Hayden VanBuskirk (Pre-K-4 and Special Education PK-12)
The following were approved as Event Safety Staff:
Amy Barto
Boyd Hartman
Brandon Kinney
Henry Rainey
Greg Sullivan was approved as athletic volunteer for the boys wrestling season.
Rowman Peterson was approved as a volunteer for the high school musical.
Tax Collector rates
The elected real estate tax collector’s rate for the four-year period from 2026 through 2030 was established at $3.25 per collected bill based on current collection practices/procedures or $3.25 less the district’s per bill collection cost for a lockbox collection system if the tax collector uses this feature in conjunction with performing all of the current collection practices/procedures.
Also, if the elected real estate tax collector collects installment payments, an additional payment of .75 cents per collected installment payment beginning with the second installment will be made by the district.
Raine Ohnmeiss was reappointed tax collector of Jordan Township retroactive to Jan. 1.
Jennifer Mausteller was reappointed tax collector of Moreland, Penn and Wolf townships and Picture Rocks Borough effective Jan. 1.
A foreign exchange student from Italy was approved for the 2025/2026 school year.
Many field trips were approved with costs to the district.